Hi, I'm Kelli...
the crazy Grandma!  :)
Not crazy in the Merriam-Webster definition of the word (some might argue that I suppose)
but crazy in that I wanted to make my Empty Nest rock, and it's played out in crazy cool ways!
Oh, what God will do when we say yes to all He has for us!
More than 20 years ago, when stress and illness were overwhelming my little family, I wanted nothing more than for my kids to be healthier and happier than they were, and for them to be able to raise strong, healthy families of their own one day, and so I decided to walk away from the toxic American lifestyle that left us feeling cruddy too much of the time, and I started learning new things and focusing on getting and keeping us strong and healthy naturally!
More than 20 years ago, when stress and illness were overwhelming my little family, I wanted nothing more than for my kids to be healthier and happier than they were, and for them to be able to raise strong, healthy families of their own one day, and so I decided to walk away from the toxic American lifestyle that left us feeling cruddy too much of the time, and I started learning new things and focusing on getting and keeping us strong and healthy naturally!
It's been a beautiful journey, with lots of healthy, happy smiles, adventures, and memories! I was blessed with grandbabies as my girls became adults, and I have 9 of them to-date! My healthy, happy grands tend to want to do REALLY FUN things, and I get to be ALL IN! We ride horses, swim, ski, tube, jet-ski and play in the oceans! We've surfed, climbed rock walls, walked ropes, zip-lined, tower-jumped, and crawled through caves!

My husband prefers a Harley to a horse, and so you'll see me on the back of his bike when the weather's right! :)  And if I'm feeling particularly crazy, I'll even join him for a few days of winter camping in the mountains of Montana!
My deepest desire, though, is to hear, "Well done!" when this stint on earth is over - being in the blessing of our amazing Father's guidance and wisdom is my favorite place to be! In all the fun I have, it's only fun if it's positively impacting someone's life, even if in a small, simple way.

I love it that my business makes a difference in the world, that more and more Mamas are helping their families live healthier, happier lives, that I can work when and where I want so I'm free to spend time with family and do missions, that God's love, my Joy in the Lord, gives me a smile that's always available to brighten someone's day, and that my heart is always seeking Him, my safe and happy place.
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